Position within the Faction Imperial
Ambassador / Queen’s Champion
Korpse / M.P.D
Quote: "I’m
not just Drow I’m Kender."
More information on Zareth: Zareth
was born due to the love affair of his mother
Claris Alerteyes and an unknown Drow who
escaped the underdark. Before Zareth was
born, his father left leaving only a sword
behind. To this day Zareth does not even
know his fathers name, Claris refuses to
speak about him even to Zareth.
grew up travelling with his mother and a
band of Kender who raised him in their own
manner, as he grew Zareth knew he was different
from the other Kenderlings but kept his
own council.
he grew Zareth was taught by his mother
the skills of the physician plus he was
taught other more martial skills by the
other Kender.
his naming rite Zareth took the name Moonshadow
an old taunt of his playmates.
about the same time the band of Kender Zareth
and his mother were with found themselves
in Teutonia and under persecution from the
local populous they were running for their
lives until fortune smiled on them, by chance
they encountered Fumbelina Twiddlefingers
and Owlkohl-Hol two kender of the unicorns
who along with a small group of unicorns
had transported to Teutonia by accident.
and Owlkohl-Hol took the Kender under their
protection and after the Unicorns and the
refugees transported back to Mauritania
the two petitioned Lady General Adelena
for Land on Mauritania to set up a Kender
village for themselves and the refugees
and so Kenco on South isle was born.
then aided in the construction of Kenco
and was taken under the wing of Fumbelina
and Owlkohl-Hol. Owlkohl-Hol taught Zareth
many weapon skills and Fumbelina’s
daughter Lorel opened Zareth to his latent
skill of incantation focused in faith to
the kender ancestor of the Shiney one.
was happy in Kenco but fate would thrust
him into the world after Owlkohl-Hol;s Death
he was sent to Fumbelina as her bodyguard
in the years that followed she captured
his heart and they were married by Queen
Adelena. Since Zareth arrived from Kenco
he has learnt more about his Drow heritage
and accepted it been taken over by the spirit
of Owlkohl-Hol and has become something
of a diplomat healer and warrior for the
unicorn faction His greatest change was
after the Death of Adelena the person who
besides Fumbelina had encouraged and supported
him the most he decided after consultation
with the Shiney one and Owlkohl –Hol
that he would become a follower of Adelena
that time he has been encouraged to take
the title Queen’s Champion and is
currently writing about the faith of Adelena
in his spare time He is a proud Imperial
Ambassador and member of the Magpy Korpse
& M.P.D.
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This is the home of the Unicorns Faction from the Lorien Trust Gathering
system. This is a live roleplaying group and for further details on Live
Role-playing and the Lorien Trust please check out the Lorien
Trust website.