The Guardians of the Republic are a self appointed "guardian of the people" that formed after Eldrazar, King of the Shadowkin, decided that he would only pass on control of Mauritanja to the Unicorns if it was a Monarchy. The then Lady General Adelena put this to the people who voted in favour of her appointment as Queen to satisfy the Shadowkin.

The Guardians of the Republic decided that a Republic was not in the best interests of Mauritanja and started a campaign to move back from a Monarchy to a republic. When this had no impact they started to kidnap members of the Unicorn Faction and poisoned several people in an attempt to threaten the Unicorns.

Their representative, Mallor, appeared in his red robes on many occasions. He argued the Republican cause and acted as a spokesperson to all that would hear him.

This continue for almost a year, until the Viper invasion which brought the Republicans back onto the Unicorns side. The Republicans laid down their threats while a common enemy was present and worked alongside the Queen to rid Unicorn lands of the Skathen and Vipers that invaded.

Recently this war has come to completeness and the Republicans once more seek an open vote on the future of the Unicorn people. Held here are copies of the Republican newsletters that have been released over the past year or two.


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This is the home of the Unicorns Faction from the Lorien Trust Gathering system. This is a live roleplaying group and for further details on Live Role-playing and the Lorien Trust please check out the Lorien Trust website.