Festival of Bar'itok
Over the weekend, the first Erdrejan festival of Bar'itok
was held in the area of New Port, North Isle. Apparently,
the festival is one held by the dwarves of Alasha in
order to comemmorate fallen heroes and celebrate their
lives. Arranged on the behalf of Doyen Gworshkoff of
the Alashans, the festival was enjoyed as a night of
peace in such harsh time, and with the exception of
some innital confusion of the festival's arrangements,
the event passed without incident.
The Gray
Sea Summit
During the Wolf and Viper parliament held on an island
in the Gray Sea, it is alleged that two Unicorns by
the names of Ceasare Medici Di Molinari and Toral Medici
Di Molinari were murdered. In the following aftermath
of diplomatic tension, Njall Thorvinson promised that
the murderers would be found and punished.
Acting Interior Ministor Farras DeVell issued the following
announcement commented that "The current situation
with the Wolves is under investigation. There is at
present no change in the status of interfactional relations."