Group Description
| Primal
Urge is a Beastkin pack living on Beast isle, near Mauritanja.
since the Unicorn nation was the closest, and Outcast
liked 'them Unicorn Chappies' it was decided they would
team up with the faction. There is a diverse beastkin
range throughout the group, main numbers being Cats, bears,
and wolves. Primal urge are a fun loving bunch, who make
a lot of friends easily, and are known to have friends
in almost every faction. |
Base of operations
| Beast
Isle |
Group Leader's name
| Outcast |
Group Leysite
| None |
Contact us at
| Outcast |
Other information:
| N/A |
Primal Urge in Que'tal before
the Gathering of Nations, 1104. |
