Group Description
| The
Harlequins are the few remaining Eldar upon Erdreja. They
originate from the remaining members of the Death Jesters,
great warriors renowned for the slaying of undead. They
wear garments of diamond cheque and carry on the ancient
traditions of their home world, Rillertan. |
Base of operations
| After
the offer of lands from the Unicorns, the Harlequins nobly
turned them down. Since the destruction of there home
world the harlequins have lived as nomads, living in gypsy-like
troops, touring and performing in the towns they arrive.
Group Leader's name
| Prince Gorath
Bel Than |
Group Leysite
| N/A |
Contact us at
| Jester's
Court |
Other information:
| Upon the
times of festival the traveling troupes of Harlequins
band together in one place. This place then takes on the
identity of the Jesters Court. It is a bizarre, circus
and haven for trade, and all upon its ground are subject
to harlequin lore, to preserve the ways of Eldar culture.. |
