The Ministry of Lore

Master of Ceremonies
Imperial Mage
Imperial Incantor
Imperial Physician
The Ministry of Lore is in charge of all things magical within the faction.
  • The Master of Ceremonies organizes all magical and non-magical rituals within the faction, and sits on the privy council as advisor from the three branches of magic.
  • The Imperial Mage, Incantor and Physician both organize those of similar ability within the faction and organize any research that may be applicable to their abilities.
  • Each of these has an apprentice that will fill in for them in their absence and help within any tasks requested of them.

Apprentice Ritualist
Apprentice Mage
Apprentice Incantor
Apprentice Physician
The Ministry of Information

Imperial Chamberlain
Imperial Advisor
Scouts Guild Liaison
The Ministry of Information is required to advise the Imperial Family and make announcements on their behalf. Run directly by the Empress herself, It is split into two main parts
  • The Imperial Chamberlain sits on the privy council and makes sure they are well informed as to the goings on in Erdreja
  • The Imperial Advisor and Scouts Guild Liaison make sure that all relevant information is passed to the Imperial Chamberlain
  • The Bard's Guild Liaison passes on all information for newsletters and official announcements, along with the Imperial scribe.
  • The Imperial Scribe make notes on all that goes on and compiles reports of events
  • The Imperial Historian is in charge of the faction library and uncovering all relevant information of the factions past.

Bard's Guild Liaison
Imperial Historian
Imperial Scribe

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This is the home of the Unicorns Faction from the Lorien Trust Gathering system. This is a live roleplaying group and for further details on Live Role-playing and the Lorien Trust please check out the Lorien Trust website.