The Ministry of Internal Security
The Imperial Family

Interior Minister
Master At Arms
Imperial Champion
Prince's Champion
Princess Champion
The Interior Ministry is responsible for the protection of the faction and the realm from non-militaristic threats. Their realm of influence includes all criminal proceedings.
  • The Interior Minister sits on the privy council and is responsible for the protection of the imperial family and the citizens of Mauritanja.
  • The Chief Justice organizes the laws of the land and hears any accusations.
  • The Militia Liaison acts as chief of police and is responsible for the security of the camp, as well as implementing faction law.
  • The Master at Arms appoints any bodyguards needed for the faction, and runs the championships to decide the faction champions.
  • The Weapons master ensures the Unicorns are properly trained in the use of weapons.
  • The Gate Commander is in charge of making sure the gate at any event is properly manned and guarded at all times.
The Laws of the Land

Chief Justice
Militia Liaison
Weapons Master
Gate Commander
Imperial Runners
The Ministry of the Exchequer

Trader Minister
All traders
The Ministry of the Exchequer lies under the control of the Princess Arcane. It is responsible for all Monetary and trade transactions for the faction.
  • The Trade Minister is directly responsible for all traders in the faction.
  • He also runs and organizes the faction treasury for the faction command, including the issuing of land deeds and the payment of rent.
  • Also reporting to the Minister of the Exchequer are the Liaisons of each of the guilds that produces items for sale. They are responsible for organization and purchase of all things from the guilds for the faction.

Alchemist Guild Liaison
Archers Guild Liaison
Armourers Guild Liaison
Healers Guild Liaison
Incantors Guild Liaison
Mages Guild Liaison

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This is the home of the Unicorns Faction from the Lorien Trust Gathering system. This is a live roleplaying group and for further details on Live Role-playing and the Lorien Trust please check out the Lorien Trust website.