Steve Light / 1IC of the Faction
Catherine Hoare / 2IC of the Faction
Chris Waite / 3IC of the Faction
Neil Ashton / Evil Plot Chinchilla

The four people pictured above are the people who are responsible for the Faction. Although there are many other people that help with setup, security, running of events, monstering NPC characters and suchlike, these are the guys that keep the faction running. All four have been asked by the Lorien Trust to take on their jobs and responsibilities, and serve as the Unicorn Command group.

Steve Light / Vadek Cain
Steve became a Unicorn NPC during the Gathering 2001, and since then has moved up to the position of 1IC.
He is usually found before the events helping players set up and take down their tents.

Catherine Hoare / Rowan DuPont
Catherine became an NPC during the Gathering 2002 and is
responsible for organising the Unicorn Sanctioned Events.

Doc / Duvall
Doc became an NPC at the Gathering, 2004 after Sarah stepped down to
become the bad guy.

Neil Ashton / Ailwen DuPont
Unlike the other three members of the Command Team, Neil's character is not an NPC.
It is his job to plan, run and coordinate the Unicorn plots, as well as any downtime activities,
group background and research requests that concern the Unicorns.

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This is the home of the Unicorns Faction from the Lorien Trust Gathering system. This is a live roleplaying group and for further details on Live Role-playing and the Lorien Trust please check out the Lorien Trust website.