The Festival of Bar'itok
behalf of Doyen Gworshkoff of the Alashans, you are hereby
invited to Ralimar Hall in the area of New Port to celebrate
the festival of Bar'itok. This festival is being held in
the honour of the Unicorn Ancestors, most notably Cadrus
Cornus, father of the Unicorns and Queen Adelena. It will
also be a time to finally honour the names and the memories
of our fallen comrades and friends. The area has been well
fortified from attack, and to keep the evening peaceful,
weapons will be stowed outside. The celebrations will be
a rare time of relaxing, socializing and drinking among
invitation is extended to not only member of the faction
both past and present, but also friends of the faction and
to any creature of any guild, faction or other group that
comes with peaceful intentions.