The following pages are dedicated to the members of the Unicorn Faction who attend the gatherings of people across Erdreja. Whether they serve the faction with their abilities at incantation or magic, with sword or mace, they have been honoured here, as will the bards, diplomats, healers and any others that have served the Unicorn cause. These pages are also a dedication to the fallen Unicorns that have given their lives in service to Mauritanja.

Some of the information on these pages may be incomplete or innaccurate.If you can add anything to this information, please send the details to us. Similarly, if you are a Unicorn and wish your details to be added, please send them to

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This is the home of the Unicorns Faction from the Lorien Trust Gathering system. This is a live roleplaying group and for further details on Live Role-playing and the Lorien Trust please check out the Lorien Trust website.